Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Not exactly my first roar, but probably the boost I need to get back to writing after the lull I had last week.

As much as I wanted to write last week, I just couldn't. I was sick, my head was foggy, my brain hurt. I knew that any work I produced during that time would have been tainted and less than my best, so I spent my time doing other things: cleaning the house, researching for a few articles (but not writing them), and sleeping. Now that I'm feeling better, I've also found that I need something to kick me into gear again, as I just don't feel like writing. The first step is always the hardest, and for me, right now that first step is making myself sit down and write a few hundred words, hopefully producing a filler article for Pagewise, Inc.

Lo and behold, I checked my email, and have been awarded the honor of being named the Musicals Correspondent for AllInfoAbout.com! Hooray! I'm very excited about this opportunity, and will be looking over more of the details with my husband tonight. From what I've heard from a few others who are involved with them, it's very enjoyable and fulfilling!

Now I'm off to try to write something of substance!
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